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ATF / SNEAP 2006


Sydney and Canberra, 15th to 20th October 2006

The combined 5th Accelerator Technical Forum (ATF) and 40th Symposium of North Eastern Accelerator Personnel (SNEAP) 2016 conference was jointly hosted by ANSTO in Sydney and the ANU in Canberra from the 15th to 20th October 2006. The conference was attended by 72 technicians, engineers, physicists and technology suppliers. There were 38 formal presentations and several organised and impromptu open sessions where a wide variety of accelerator and complementary systems topics were discussed at length.

PrintANU logoThe organisers wish to thank all participants, sponsors, and staff who helped run and organise the conference. Special thanks to John McKay for transcribing and consolidating the presentations into well organised and logical groups.



ATF SNEAP 2006 Sponsors (pdf)
ATF SNEAP 2006 Attendees List (pdf)
ATF SNEAP 2006 Agenda (pdf)

Presentations (pdf versions)

Introduction and index 2006

Session one,  Session two,  Session three,  Session four,  Session five,  Session six,

Session sevenSession eight,  Session nine,  Session ten,  Session eleven,

Session twelve,  Session thirteen,  Session fourteen

Lab Reports (pdf versions)

Lab reports index



Presentation Session ATF SNEAP 2006


Presentation Session ATF SNEAP 2006


Sponsors providing technological insight about their products


Companions at the Sydney Opera House Steps


The hungry, lining up for the harbour cruise conference dinner


The ANU 14UD Accelerator building, Canberra, ACT



The Grace Hotel, Sydney, conference venue

ACT Parliament House